Clinician led social media management

Social media management and content development for healthcare platforms is best provided by a clinician led team in order to meet the specific demands of this niche.

Social media management and content development are integral components to growing a platform.  Within the healthcare space, there are additional considerations beyond the typical social media functions of brand identity, platform strategy, content development, engagement, marketing, search engine optimization, and collaborating with other accounts.  Healthcare specific aspects include integrating medical knowledge and current health research, marketing to patient populations, interacting with other professional colleagues, and helping target audiences implement health-related behavior changes.

House Call Media provides clients with expertise in the typical social media management domains as well as the healthcare specific aspects.  We are able to provide this level of expertise and service to clients through clinician led social media management and evidence-driven content development.  While there are numerous social media agencies that provide the typical considerations listed above, the healthcare specific focus of House Call Media provides clients with substantial advantages.

Due to the nature of healthcare, it is important that the social media strategy, content pillars, marketing approach, as well as collaboration and engagement all have clinical relevance, specific to the niche of the platform.  Without a background in medicine, it is substantially more challenging to provide the appropriate context.  Due to our training and experience in healthcare, we understand the underlying scientific knowledge base and nuances which are specific to the niche of our clients.  This allows us to provide the important function of appropriate context across all aspects of social media management and content development.

As it relates to content, an evidence-driven approach is utilized.  This has been described in more detail in previous articles.  To summarize, it is crucial that healthcare platforms integrate the best available and most current evidence in the content presented.  The recommendations, advice, and opinions advocated by the platform should be based upon the evidence rather than selecting aspects of data to fit within preconceived ideas and opinions.  By following this evidence-driven paradigm, not only is the content reflective of best available evidence but greater trust is developed within the target audience as it becomes apparent that the data is not being manipulated to fit a narrative but rather reflects the evidence and evolves accordingly.

There are specific aspects of growing a healthcare platform that are unique to this field.  These considerations include the target audience being a population of patients who are looking for products and/or services to improve health and wellbeing and, in order to do so, require development of new habits and skills.  To best serve the target audience, it is important that healthcare professionals be cognizant of these specific considerations and also understand the underlying biology behind habit formation and skill development.  Without this perspective, the ability to provide substantial and sustained benefit to the target audience will be inherently limited.  At House Call Media, our healthcare and research expertise provides us the ability to meet these specific demands of growing healthcare platforms and benefiting the health and wellbeing of our clients’ target audiences.

There are also specific professional standards and legal considerations, such as HIPAA, which are pertinent to healthcare platforms.  Without experience working within the healthcare system and adhering to these ethical and legal expectations, it can be challenging to ensure that the healthcare platform is meeting these requirements.

For all the reasons described above, there are many distinct advantages to a clinician led social media management and evidence-driven content development perspective for healthcare platforms that is provided by House Call Media.  The background and expertise inherent within our approach can provide tremendous benefit to healthcare professionals looking to expand their social media platform.

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