Passion and purpose for healthcare platforms

Identifying our passion and purpose are key elements in the growth of both clinical and non-clinical healthcare platforms.

Across all domains of life, there is frequent discussion about passion and purpose.  While the identification and definition of these elements are not frequently discussed amongst healthcare professionals, they are essential to determine in the process of development of both traditional and non-traditional practices.  Irrespective of the type of practice, all healthcare professionals can benefit from clearly identifying their passion and purpose.

Prior to discussing how passion and purpose can be beneficial, it is worthwhile to define each term.  While the terms are regularly utilized, their precise definition is not necessarily clear.  In order to avoid confusion in the discussion of passion and purpose, this article will start with a definition for each that is widely agreed upon amongst professionals in the domains of human performance and psychology.  Passion is what we are most interested in and care most about.  Within a professional context this could be a particular subject or issue within our niche.  Typically, in the professional domain, this is content or expertise related.  Purpose is the larger goal or objective towards which we focus our attention.  In order to be of maximal value, this should be larger than ourself, important to us, and oriented towards the future.

When our passion and purpose are aligned towards a common pursuit, we can use these elements as a ‘north star’ to which we can orient and align our mindset, goals, and efforts.  In this ideal scenario, we identify our passion and then determine our purpose to be closely related.  We can then identify shorter-term goals that will lead to the larger-term goal which would fulfill our purpose and is aligned with our passion.  In this way we can place our attention on day-to-day activities that are consistent with our greatest interests, specifically our passion, and are oriented towards working towards and achieving our greatest goals, namely our purpose.  This alignment between our passion and purpose maximizes the meaning we place on our activities.  This becomes especially important in situations in which we face significant challengers and obstacles.  In such circumstances, we can find the motivation and determination necessary to persevere by orienting towards our passion and purpose.  Because our passion and purpose both speak to that which is most important to us, it becomes physically, psychologically, and emotionally more feasible to continue in the face of challenges and setbacks.  Without a clear identification of passion and purpose, it can become much easier to lose motivation and stop our pursuits. 

It should be emphasized that there is no recommendation to continue towards goals which we either determine to not be of importance or recognize may have previously been important but no longer are worth pursuing.  Our passion and purpose can change over time.  What is being suggested is that it is important to clearly identify our passion and purpose and keep these elements in mind.  It is also valuable to regularly re-evaluate whether or not our passion and purpose have changed and, if so, to re-orient our goals and objectives accordingly.

Given the high demand nature of healthcare, this process of identifying and aligning with our passion and purpose is crucial.  Through recognition of these elements, we can ensure that our day-to-day efforts and goals are oriented towards our larger goals and purpose and that we are continually working within that which is of most interest to us, namely our passion.  Through the regular re-evaluation of our passion and purpose we can adjust our goals and objectives as needed so that we can continuously pursue our purpose within our area of passion.  Through the recognition of our passion and purpose and ensuring that it has remained consistent over time, or adjusting accordingly, we can better express resilience and grit during challenging situations because they are in the pursuit of our larger purpose and aligned with our passion.

House Call Media provides not only healthcare trained social media management combined with evidence-driven content development, but also skill training and habit development to support healthcare professionals in the pursuit of their goals and objectives.  This includes, as an initial step, the identification and definition of passion and purpose so that day-to-day efforts and activities can be oriented towards larger goals and objectives within a niche that is important and of interest to the professional. 


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